
Containment of ravines in Angola


13 April 2018



Containment of ravines in Angola

13 April 2018

In Angola the rainy season always leaves marks: floods, landslides, strong erosion and deep ravines. It is the Government's concern to find solutions to minimize future damages.

NRV designed the Containment and Stabilization of Ravines at the airport of Cuito Cuanavale (Cuando Cubango province). The ravines were identified and the necessary hydrological and hydraulic studies were done.

Drainage systems and other solutions to promote infiltration and minimize surface erosion were previewed. It was also considered the planting of vegetal species – they should minimize erosion and improve the landscape value.

The works are completed and received the visit of Manuel Tavares de Almeida, Minister of Construction, last 6th of March.